In addition to the airplane noise issues below, crime has significantly been increasing in the Ormond Beach area, as well as Tomoka Estates.  To check and monitor crime in the area, go to - both the City of Ormond Beach and Volusia County Sheriff's Department sends crime data to this site.  Due to crime and airplane noise, the area is not anything like it was when I moved here in 1996. 

Ormond Beach has a very large development starting which will take up to ten years to complete, Ormond Crossings.  As it is now, there are empty businesses all over the city, homes in foreclosures and for sale and yet, people are told this project will help the City.  It is close to the airport and actually about ten miles north of the City center, no where near the actual business centers are.  Expect lots of traffic during motorcycle events because the "worlds largest" Harley Davidson dealer is very near the edge of this project.

NOTE: This and following pages below will be updated as needed and as more photos of planes flying over residential areas near the airport are available.

Update: 4/1/2011 (not an April fool's joke):
Just recently in 2011, the noise issue has again become a hot topic.  After a Ormond Beach Airport Advisory Meeting with comments in the minutes that noise complaints were down, several concerned citizens raised their eyebrows and asked who has been monitoring them.  Also, all of a sudden there has been a large increase of complaints. 
A meeting was held with City staff and some local residents, including Vince Kinsler, previous Chairman of the Noise Abatement Board.  The meeting addressed several items that were recommended at the noise abatement meetings conclusion but didn't seem to appear to be followed up completely on.
The issue was somewhat addressed at a City Commission meeting. 
In order to make items concerning the airport easily accessible, I have decided to put future items that started in 2011 on a master page with a description of each link.  I will not post everyones email addresses but the context of what the message was about.  If you see XXXX in the page or blank name areas , I have blocked out a name, email or address. 
Here is the link for 2011 UPDATES (CLICK ON THIS LINE)

Update: 12/6/2010:
In November 2010, several of the neighborhood home areas around the City of Ormond Beach Airport have once again been voicing their concerns about the increased noise from flight schools as mentioned below.  A letter was sent to the City of Ormond Beach manager about the noise and asking if certain items have been followed up on since the Noise Abatement Committee "disbanded" and also to schedule a meeting to discuss these items. In my personal observations of taking photos and videos of these airplanes not following a voluntary path around the airport and noise and safety issues I can document most are from the same flight schools who "promised to be good neighbors" during the Noise Abatement meetings.  Their promises have not been kept.
Most of the flight schools have planes flying wherever they want to, at any altitude and jeopardize the safety and the enjoyment of living in the Ormond Beach area.  I am in the processing of switching internet companies and my email address will be changed in the future. 

Update: 6/20/2010: 
I haven't done much updating of photos and complaining about the airplanes not flying the voluntary paths because over half of the flight schools ignore the suggestion and fly where they want to.  But, I am leaving the documentation here in the event there is a future incident involving a flight school near the airport.  This doesn't mean I haven't taken photos or made notes, just not publishing them.  Even though the task force has completed its work and is no longer meeting, there are still occasional Aviation Advisory Board meetings.  One was held in April but as of June 20, the minutes were still not available to read what occurred.  Fortunately I was gone almost two months this year and didn't have to listen to the low flying off path planes.  But as soon as I returned, less than a half hour later, I had a low flying plane welcome me home... thanks whoever it was, I needed that.
Update: 12/30/2009:
I will be updating this page and others following it in 2009.  The Noise Abatement Task Force, despite all it's work ended up with a conclusion of the only way there will be any relief from flight schools flying over residential homes can be by voluntary compliance.  Several people on the task force and in the audience that attended many meetings were disappointed that there isn't really much that can be done.
I was gone most of October and November and it was really enjoyable not hearing loud or low flying airplanes flying over me.  But since Thanksgiving, there are still the same planes, including Embry Riddle, not flying a "suggested (but not enforceable) path for flight schools around the airport.  It's like a open highway, with no regulatory signs or enforcement. 
More coming later, including my recent complaint to the FAA on two low flying complaints and how that complaint went no where.  Also, it can kind of tell you what to expect if you file a low flying airplane complaint.....

Links to City Commission meeting Dec. 15
1.  Audio Link, go to   and move the fast forward to 2:17:50 to the beginning of the airport item.
A comment made about a person on the news not being able to have a conversation with his wife while in the front yard was about me (at 2:51:12 into the audio portion).  A commissioner found it "fantastic" and wanted to verify it.  Obviously he works and isn't home during the day and in my neighborhood.  I read into his bio online on the City web site and found he is a pilot.  Amazing, is my comment, that a pilot would think a airplane makes that much noise.
TV  Link he's talking about:

2. Minutes from the meeting (not much there, audio details it)

More on the Task Force committee findings:

my new email ref. airport matters:

Update: 8/8/2009: 
I have suspended taking videos and photographs of airplanes flying over Tomoka Estates temporarily. I am waiting on the next Noise Abatement Task Force meeting to see what will be recommended.  Also, flights have decreased significantly, probably due to summer vacations and school being out.  If it was like it has been the last week of July and the first week of August I wouldn't be as concerned as I have been, but things can change.  Also, a interesting fact came up from someone commenting on one of my you tube videos.  The person said Adrian Thompson is not the sole owner of Ormond Beach Aviation (flight school, more below).  I went to the State of Florida licensing site and searching the company name found that the corporate name of the business has changed as of 6/2009 to Euro American School of Aviation and includes Stephen Fisher as the COO, Adrian Thompson the CEO.  Mr. Fisher's address is in Vero Beach.  Strange that Mr. Thompson said he felt many of the airplanes causing problems at the Ormond Beach Airport were from Vero Beach.  Mr. Thompson has resigned from the Task Force, as the paper said, "abruptly".  To read the changes made to the state corporation records click on this:

July 14, 2009, the Ormond Beach Noise Abatement Task Force had a workshop at the airport with task force members flying in Embry Riddle airplanes to test flight paths.  My neighborhood, Tomoka Estates is close to the flight paths and the area of constant noise abatement violations. My observations of the flight tests are at:
At one of the Task Force meetings, July 16, 2009, the test flights were discussed.  In my opinion, Embry Riddle, through Dr. Ayers, is making a very good effort to help the Task Force establish better flight paths to decrease noise in residential areas.  No other flight schools, including ones based at Ormond Beach Airport were at the meeting or participated in the workshop for test flights.  Also at the meeting it was noted that Mr. Adrian Thompson, owner of Ormond Beach Aviation, has withdrawn from the Task Force he was nominated as chairman of. 

Also, at the meeting several residents are having trouble identifying airplanes.  My personal experience is that if they are directly on top it is almost impossible to tell the N number of the plane.  The numbers are usually on the side, except in rare circumstances where a airplane was grandfathered in with small letters and is not required to be changed until the plane is painted. To assist some of the residents, this page will show many of the "frequent fliers" over our neighborhoods. Information was obtained from the FAA inquiry site (which is also on the page)

Here are the flight paths flights planes are supposed to follow at the current time for the Ormond Beach Airport, depending  on what route the FAA tower directs them. Directions are also reversed depending on the wind.

North is on top. 
The top red area is Ormond Lakes, directly below it is Tomoka Estates. 
The area below the yellow line on the right is Tomoka Oaks and the Trails.

Note: After living near the Ormond Beach Airport since 1997 my wife and I have seen a tremendous increase of airplanes flying continuously over our home at low altitudes and ignoring noise abatement "requirements" from the City of Ormond Beach. While some people say, what do you expect, you live next to an airport.  Before moving here, we researched many cities on the east and west coast of Florida.  Ormond Beach was our pick even with what was a small municipal airport.  What we have seen is a airport grow tremendously by the use of flight schools using a "free" airport.  Also, the airport was able to receive federal funding which required the airport to be fenced in and it was no longer public where anyone can drive inside it.   Another interesting fact is that this airport has operated in the red for many years.  Yet, several flight schools have "found a home" and obviously are profiting, while the City of Ormond Beach loses money.

Our neighborhood does not have a homeowners association to represent them and I have felt it is time to publish my opinion as well as facts below.  If you read the minutes of the April 13, 2009 Ormond Beach Aviation Advisory Board, it is quite obvious that residents near the airport are "fed up" with nothing being done about safety and noise abatement.  Here is the link for the minutes:
While I was out of town, the City Commission apparently decided to create a "90" day Noise Abatement Task Force.  I attended the first meeting and noticed that many of the residents present did not have documentation of the planes that are creating the problems.  Therefore, I started this web page.

The City of Ormond Beach "inherited" an airport and state they cannot use it for anything but an airport. (click here for basic airport information) They lease out the property to MANY flight schools, and probably the largest user is a branch off of Embry Riddle Aeronautical University of Daytona Beach.  The college also uses the Daytona Beach Airport but it must have so many airplanes and students it needs to branch out.  Another major flight school is Ormond Beach Aviation.

These planes are dangerous and fly over my and your houses.  The airport has a terrible record with the FAA involving incidents that originate there, during take offs and landings.  This is public record and goes into too many details to describe here.  The link to do a search using your own time span can be done at:
I did a search from 1/1/2000 to 6/22/2009 and have the following summary available.  Click on one of the pages and it will open as a pdf file.
Summary, Ormond Beach Incidents-Page1.pdf
Summary, Ormond Beach Incidents-Page2.pdf

It is only a matter of time till until one of these planes crash into homes in the area, similar to what recently occurred in Sanford, Florida.  The City of Ormond Beach has a voluntary noise abatement that absolutely means nothing. There is no way for the City to enforce it and the flight schools fly however they want to. Occasionally the excuse is given that there is a large turnover of instructors and students and it is difficult for them to learn the patterns. They also fly low altitudes and residents below have no way to judge exactly how low they fly.

A person could make a career out of documenting how many planes fly over their house each day but no one should have to do that. Many of the photos I have on these pages are from time I should not need to dedicate to documenting what planes are flying over my house. I do it when convenient and don't have the time to constantly sit watching them. The FAA's view is that within 2.5 nautical miles of the airport the planes can fly as low as 500 feet with no enforcement action. Once an airplane leaves the airport it is not the responsibility of the City of Ormond Beach.  Once in the air, it is the responsibility of the FAA. I have called the control tower to log a complaint and was told more than once, "we instruct the pilots to climb to 1000 feet".   Embry Riddle has told the City of Ormond Beach Airport Advisory Board and is documented in past meeting minutes that they have a problem with a high turnover of instructors and they are not always aware of the request for noise abatement.  Think about it, these flight schools, with instructors training future pilots, have no regard for flying at low altitudes over your homes.  What kind of pilot will these people be when they are on their own?   Do the flight students take drug tests before flying over your home? and occasionally on solo flights with no instructor guiding them.

The FAA has a web page you can type in the airplanes number to identify the owner. In the following photos, I obtained the owner information from this site.  Some of the photos are only the bottom of the airplane because when they fly directly over your house it is difficult to determine the number (unless photographed as they make the turn before going over)

There is sufficient land areas around the airport that the airplanes do not have to constantly, all day and many times at night, to fly over residential areas.  If you are considering buying a house in the area, make sure you find out where the City of Ormond Beach elected officials live and you might be living in a much quieter area.  The main affected housing development areas are: Bear Creek, Tomoka Oaks, Broadwater, Hunters Ridge, Tomoka Estates, Ormond Lakes and possibly more.  The future development of a large area on the north side of the airport that is in the early stages by the City of Ormond Beach is going to be called Ormond Crossings.  It will include homes and business that will be directly under these flight paths. 
At a task force meeting, the Airport Manager showed a large map of the flight paths airplanes are supposed to follow. Hopefully, these paths will be posted by the City of Ormond Beach and if available, I will post it here.   Most of the photos I am posting on these pages are of airplanes that DO NOT follow the suggested path. 

What kind of enforcement is there for Noise Abatement Violations?  None.. The City of Ormond Beach has absolutely no  action they can officially take for airplanes or companies violating the request.  At Noise Abatement Task Force Meetings I have heard talk that if a pilot is "violating" noise abatement he should be talked to... big deal.  The City has no one to follow up on who the pilots are or documentation of what company handled what.  In reality, the noise abatement request means nothing to pilots. 

One person mentioned at the Task Force meetings that the airport is a public airport.  I have two questions which may someday be answered later.  1.  Is it really public?  It is fenced it, a electronic gate is at the south entrance and the public is NOT allowed in.  2. Anyone can land a plane there.  It is called, "just like I-95, that anyone can drive on it"...well, what about driving on I-95 in New Hampshire.  It is not FREE.  There are toll booths and restrictions.  The issue of maybe charging landing fees is illegal and cannot be done because it is a public airport.   ???? I think this should be a challenge.. Also, the airport director at a July 16 meeting said the airport cannot be closed after the control tower is closed at 7 pm.  It is open 24/7.  Several people at that meeting complained about night flights directly over their house and the inability to identify the airplane due to the darkness.

In future pages added here, I will include Google Earth aerial views of the airport area.  There is absolutely no reason why repeated flight instructor schools have to constantly fly low and with noise over residential areas.  Past aviation board minutes indicate that the students are not permitted to fly over the ocean because of insurance restrictions. Fine, but they can fly over the Tomoka River and the Tomoka Basin and avoid their quick returns to the airport.  This would reduce noise complaints and number one, make residents safer.
Google Aerial View of areas close to the airport

I have done some photographing of the habitual planes that love to fly over the homes in Tomoka Estates. These were all taken from my front or back yard.  All photos were taken in high resolution but reduced in size for web pages.  The airplane identification numbers were clearly visible on the original photos, unless indicated below. I also have many videos but web size restrictions prevent me from publishing them.  However, I am starting to put some on you tube.
You Tube flights uploaded so far:

June  9
June 13
July 13

In June, 2009, a Noise Abatement Task Force was formed in the City of Ormond Beach.  It is supposed to consist of 5 members living in the area and 4 members affiliated with the aviation industry. Several people questioned the composition of the board and it was decided to proceed without going back to the City Commission to clarify who would be on the board.  A chairman was elected (Note: he withdrew from the committee prior to the July 16, 2009 meeting) , Adrian Thompson, who is the owner of Ormond Beach Aviation ( several of his airplanes are in my photo collection).  He said he is also a resident living near the airport and that his planes are not involved in ongoing noise complaints. Obviously, the planes do not fly over his home.  It will be interesting to see how this committee works to try and reduce noise and more important safety.   
Also, Mr. Thompson has commented on how much money the flight schools bring into the City of Ormond Beach.  Are you aware, Mr. Thompson owns 5 homes in Ormond Beach.  Ormond Beach Aviation offers a very low price of accommodations for people taking flight schools. There are no hotels within walking distance of the airport, however, they are within distance of many of Mr. Thompson's homes. Strange coincidence.  His companies web site,  shows:

Where in Ormond Beach can you get a hotel for that price?  Is Mr. Thompson paying all his bed taxes?  Do people cook in his homes to save money?  How much money is actually coming back into Ormond Beach while students get a quick course to get their license?

The area around the Ormond Beach Airport is not the only one with problems caused by flight schools. Visit a site about New Smyrna Beach's problem and what the nearby residents are going through at:

This webpage about Ormond Beach is not meant to be a copy of New Smyrna's site.

Also, more pages have been added:
As pages are added I will show the date added here:

2009 - Feb. 7, 13, 25, 27, Apr 6 This page Added as original web page
2009 - Apr 15, 18, 22, 24, 27
            June 9, 13
Added same day as this page
2009 - July 2, 3, 6, 7, 8 Added July 9, 2009
2009 - July 13
Quite a few planes off the flight path Added July 18
2-7-2009 2:05 PM


Aircraft Serial Number         : 15078716
Aircraft Manufacturer          : CESSNA
         Model                 : 150M
Engine   Manufacturer          : CONT MOTOR
         Model                 : 0-200 SERIES
Aircraft Year                  : 1976
Owner Name                     : ORMOND BEACH AVIATION INC
Owner Address                  : 770 AIRPORT ROAD SUITE 7
                                 ORMOND BEACH, FL, 32174    
Type of Owner                  : Corporation non-U.S. citizen
Registration Date              : 14-Jul-1995
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Utility
2-7-2009 2:34 PM

N9221D (Corrected 6/20/10 - I had it as 92210 & not Euro, below)

Serial Number 2841030 Type Registration Non Citizen Corporation   Manufacturer Name PIPER Certificate Issue Date 06/01/2010 Model PA-28-161 Status Valid Type Aircraft Fixed Wing Single-Engine Type Engine Reciprocating Pending Number Change None Dealer No Date Change Authorized None Mode S Code 53144027 MFR Year 1988 Fractional Owner NO
Registered Owner     Name EURO AMERICAN SCHOOL OF AVIATION INC   Street 770 AIRPORT RD STE 7   City ORMOND BEACH State FLORIDA County VOLUSIA Zip Code 32174-8784 Country UNITED STATE
2-7-2009 2:35 PM

(see above right column for info..)

2-7-2009 2:39 PM

Aircraft Serial Number         : 0080
Aircraft Manufacturer          : SCHWEIZER
         Model                 : 269C-1
Engine   Manufacturer          : LYCOMING
         Model                 : HO-360
Aircraft Year                  :    
Owner Name                     : TOMLINSON AVIATION INC
Owner Address                  : 1860 OLD TOMOKA RD W
                                 ORMOND BEACH, FL, 32174-6715
Type of Owner                  : Corporation
Registration Date              : 15-Jul-1998
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Normal
2-13-09 5:36 PM

ID number not visible
2-13-09 5:37 PM


Aircraft Serial Number         : 15280667
Aircraft Manufacturer          : CESSNA
         Model                 : 152
Engine   Manufacturer          : LYCOMING
         Model                 : 0-235 SERIES
Aircraft Year                  : 1977
Owner Name                     : SUNRISE AVIATION INC
Owner Address                  : 740 AIRPORT RD
                                 ORMOND BEACH, FL, 32174-8755
Type of Owner                  : Corporation
Registration Date              : 04-Nov-2008
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Utility
2-17-2009 3:55 PM


Aircraft Serial Number         : 15078716
Aircraft Manufacturer          : CESSNA
         Model                 : 150M
Engine   Manufacturer          : CONT MOTOR
         Model                 : 0-200 SERIES
Aircraft Year                  : 1976
Owner Name                     : ORMOND BEACH AVIATION INC
Owner Address                  : 770 AIRPORT ROAD SUITE 7
                                 ORMOND BEACH, FL, 32174    
Type of Owner                  : Corporation non-U.S. citizen
Registration Date              : 14-Jul-1995
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Utility
2-17-2009 4:01 PM


Aircraft Serial Number         : 4496080
Aircraft Manufacturer          : PIPER
         Model                 : PA-44-180
Engine   Manufacturer          : LYCOMING
         Model                 : O&VO-360 SER
Aircraft Year                  : 2001
Owner Address                  : 2711 CENTERVILLE RD STE 400
                                 WILMINGTON, DE, 19808-1645
Type of Owner                  : Corporation
Registration Date              : 30-Oct-2001
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Normal

2-17-2009 4:13 PM

Same plane as above right, taken on same day
2-25-2009 1:21 PM

Note: This aircraft was previously identified as N26308.
The correct N number is N2630B registered according to FAA as:

2-25-2009 1:21 PM

Same plane as above right
2-25-2009 1:26 PM

Same plane as above flying different direction
2-25-2009 2:34 PM


Aircraft Serial Number         : 172S10288
Aircraft Manufacturer          : CESSNA
         Model                 : 172S
Engine   Manufacturer          : LYCOMING
         Model                 : IO-360-L2A
Aircraft Year                  : 2006
Owner Name                     : AVN AIR LLC
Owner Address                  : 44 OLD RIDGEBURY RD
                                 DANBURY, CT, 06810-5107
Type of Owner                  : Corporation
Registration Date              : 02-Nov-2006
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Normal
2-25-2009 3:23 PM


Aircraft Serial Number         : 15079091
Aircraft Manufacturer          : CESSNA
         Model                 : 150M
Engine   Manufacturer          : CONT MOTOR
         Model                 : 0-200 SERIES
Aircraft Year                  : 1976
Owner Name                     : ORMOND BEACH AVIATION INC
Owner Address                  : 770 AIRPORT RD STE 7
                                 ORMOND BEACH, FL, 32174-8784
Type of Owner                  : Corporation non-U.S. citizen
Registration Date              : 02-Apr-1999
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Utility

2-27-2009 1:33 PM


Aircraft Serial Number         : 15078716
Aircraft Manufacturer          : CESSNA
         Model                 : 150M
Engine   Manufacturer          : CONT MOTOR
         Model                 : 0-200 SERIES
Aircraft Year                  : 1976
Owner Name                     : ORMOND BEACH AVIATION INC
Owner Address                  : 770 AIRPORT ROAD SUITE 7
                                 ORMOND BEACH, FL, 32174    
Type of Owner                  : Corporation non-U.S. citizen
Registration Date              : 14-Jul-1995
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Utility


2-27-2009 1:35 PM

Unidentified low flying plane

2-27-2009 1:35 PM


Aircraft Serial Number         : 17280594
Aircraft Manufacturer          : CESSNA
         Model                 : 172R
Engine   Manufacturer          : LYCOMING
         Model                 : I0360 SER
Aircraft Year                  : 1998
Owner Name                     : DOLPHIN LEASING LLC
Owner Address                  : 561 PEARL HARBOR DR
                                 DAYTONA BEACH, FL, 32114-3845
Type of Owner                  : Corporation
Registration Date              : 03-Nov-2005
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Normal
2-27-2009 1:46 PM

Aircraft Serial Number         : 15078716
Aircraft Manufacturer          : CESSNA
         Model                 : 150M
Engine   Manufacturer          : CONT MOTOR
         Model                 : 0-200 SERIES
Aircraft Year                  : 1976
Owner Name                     : ORMOND BEACH AVIATION INC
Owner Address                  : 770 AIRPORT ROAD SUITE 7
                                 ORMOND BEACH, FL, 32174    
Type of Owner                  : Corporation non-U.S. citizen
Registration Date              : 14-Jul-1995
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Utility

2-27-2009 1:46 PM

Type Registration Non Citizen Corporation


Aircraft Serial Number         : 172S8957
Aircraft Manufacturer          : CESSNA
         Model                 : 172S
Engine   Manufacturer          : LYCOMING
         Model                 : I0360 SER
Aircraft Year                  : 2001
Owner Name                     : ECHO LEASING LLC
Owner Address                  : 561 PEARL HARBOR DR
                                 DAYTONA BEACH, FL, 32114-3845
Type of Owner                  : Corporation
Registration Date              : 29-Nov-2005
Airworthiness Certificate Type : Standard
Approved Operations            : Normal