3/20/12 Email sent from Vince Kinsler to Ormond Beach Staff and group list


Hello Steven -


I hope this message finds you well. 

Its been quite some time since I've corresponded regarding the flight training that initiates at the Ormond Municipal Airport - and that is very disruptive to several Ormond Beach communities and many of its residents. I've also heard from several members of different neighborhoods expressing concern and frustration. 

Like you, I am a very busy individual and quite frankly I don't always have the time or the energy to write each time I have a concern regarding flight training - which I'm sad to say is way more frequently than desired. So please don't think this is a casual concern and an isolated incident - because it is not. 

Over the past 6 + weeks the small aircraft/flight training has been miserable at best and obnoxious at worst.  

One specific incident I had experienced in early February while walking thru my neighborhood betwwen 7:30pm and 8:30pm was several small aircraft literally buzzing above and all around the Ormond Lakes subdivision - I counted eight small aircraft in the sky in some element of a circular flight pattern at one time - these planes actually resembled moths in haphazard formations and movements. The weather that evening was clear, with no substantial prevailing or remarkable wind patterns and these aircraft were in no way even close to any semblance of a constructive considerate high and tight pattern. Patterns they have supposedly been "asked" to consider. 

I recognize that at that time of evening (after 7pm) the tower is closed so there is no guidance to these aircraft in training, even though I firmly believe that since the addition/opening of the tower is when the flight training and ensuing chronic concerns started to become an issue. I also realize that February and March are generally more active months - but this is no excuse for what has been happening - as a matter of fact this is precisely when the communications and awareness should be at its highest. It truly feels unchecked. 

Flight training over this past period of time has been virtually non-stop beginning as early 6am and frequently carrying on well into the late night hours - again, I have directly experienced actually flight training going on as late as midnite and very frequently at 10:30 to 11:30pm.

 This past Friday I took one hour between 8:50am and 9:50am - and timed each flight during this hour. I started a stop watch when I first began to hear a small aircraft make its approach and then let the clock run until it was out of earshot. During this one hour there was 20 sorties each lasting an average of 1 minute and 23 seconds - this approximates to 27 minutes out of that hour that people in the community were exposed to noise pollution. Please keep in mind many of these sorties are not even coming close to resembling a considerate and really doable flight pattern, and this also is a very typical representation. 

One of the areas of agreement resulting from the airport noise abatement task force initiative was that communication from the city/airport management would be ongoing and comprehensive regarding flight training patterns, time of day that flight training should and shouldn't take place, and being respectful and considerate of the communities on the ground that could be affected by these activities.  

One of the primary concerns raised during the task force meetings regarding this initiative was that the city/airport management would not be able/willing to keep up with the communication and follow up efforts because of the constant influx of new students that have to be reminded (not to mention the owners of the flight training schools - who seem to have very short memories) resulting in the initiative petering out. People knew then the level of dilligence and tenacity it would take to keep things in balance. 

 Based on what has been occurring one can only come to a reasonable conclusion that one of two things is occurring (or not occurring) 1) The city/airport management is not staying up to speed with communicating and doing all they can to keep these flight training activities from getting out of control and or 2) If the city/airport management believes they are - then the flight training schools who have always contended they wished to be good neighbors - are really and effectively thumbing their noses at the city and thus the residents on the ground who are effected.

 Which one of these scenarios is it?

 The people in this community are not un-reasonable people - they realize that (although ambiguous as it is) there is an economic value/component to flight training - and that these are free enterprises with a right to conduct business, however, when the results of unfettered business activity is that people in the community suffer (in this case with noise pollution and a very real fear of saferty) it becomes all one-sided - very much out of balance. Which is truly where it currently appears to be.

 Steven - you may suggest (although I dont know this as a fact) that complaints about airport flight training noise are down - the reality is people who are affected (like myself) dont have the time to always register a concern/complaint just in an effort to make sure the number of complaints shows big. People are busy with their lives, their work, their children, their illnesses, or trying to relax and enjoy their yards and neighborhoods etc. to have to consider registering a concern or complaint every time there is an inconsiderate or obnoxious day of flight training (which again is very frequent). People are tired and weary, and will complain (like me) every so often because thats all we have in our tanks.

 It really is unjust that the citizens of this community have to constantly and ongoingly register their concerns/complaints with the city/airport management to keep things in reasonable balance. I say this because when the complaints do start coming - things do seem to improve.

 Many, many of the citizens of Ormond Beach know the city/airport management can do more to make this concern a more temperate issue as opposed to what it currently is - and that is flight training (whoever these people are) can and will do what they want, where they want, and when they want - does this feel right to you?

 Who are these good neighbors?

 As busy as I am, I'd be willing to meet with anyone in the affected communities, the city/airport management, and the owners of the flight training schools to have a civil discourse on how we might be able to work together to come to a reasonable balance where these business' can still flourish and people can enjoy their communities with minimal disruption, pollution and fear.  There really has to be a better way.

 Please let me know how I can help.

 Kindest regards,

 Vince Kinsler,

Resident - Ormond Lakes