3/15/12 Email sent to Ormond Beach Airport Manager
Just a quick FYI
because I am getting ready to leave town… Wed. all day and even up to 10:30 pm
(whoever the pilot was who kept flying over Tomoka Estates that late does not
want to meet my wife – she could not even hear the television and was in a real
bad mood Thursday morning) and now all day Thursday has been terrible.
Noise abatement is not in almost none of these pilots vocabulary or flight
I wish had time to sit and document each one but I don’t. I am aware of the
policy of an open airport but this is beginning to affect people and a lifestyle
and Ormond Beach is the proprietor of the airport. The flights are departing
from Ormond Beach Airport.
Norm Echelberry/Tomoka Estates
Sent 3:51 pm 3/15/12