3/14/2012 Email sent to Airport Manager and Group Distribution list
Today, March 14
about 11:45 am I had watched five aircraft take off from the airport going east
and then north (several off the path and over my house) when I saw a banner
plane coming from the east to west (see diagram below). It made no effort to
vear north and flew right through the path the other aircraft had taken. Another
plane, taking off had to vear south to avoid the area the banner plane was in.
Its bad enough that flight schools are not flying a designated path and now
banner planes fly wherever they want and could cause a safety issue. Just a FYI
as I watch from the ground. And with the past two days I have seen other banner
planes flying through this area at approximately the same height as the flight
schools fly at.
Other aircraft not flying the requested path and noisy today were:
N551ER AVN (probably Embry Riddle)
N435TS Twin Diamond Aircraft